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2001 Feb;17(2):214-9.
 doi: 10.1183/09031936.01.17202140.

Clinical Diagnosis of Current Asthma: Predictive Value of Respiratory Symptoms in the SAPALDIA Study. Swiss Study on Air Pollution and Lung Diseases in Adults


Diagnostic value of isolated symptoms

症状 感度% 特異度% PPV% NPV% J


74.7 87.3 12.4 99.3 0.62
Wheezing with dyspnoea(喘鳴+呼吸困難) 65.2 95.1 23.9 99.1 0.6
Wheezing without cold(感冒なしの喘鳴) 59.8 93.6 18.2 99 0.53
Nocturnal chest tightness(夜間の胸部圧迫感) 49.3 86.4 8 98.6 0.36
Rest dyspnoea(安静時呼吸困難) 47.1 94.9 18 98.7 0.42
Exercise dyspnoea(労作時呼吸困難) 69.3 75.7 6.4 99 0.45
Nocturnal dyspnoea(夜間の呼吸困難) 46.2 96 21.5 98.7 0.42
Nocturnal cough(夜間の咳嗽) 49.3 72.3 4.1 98.4 0.22
Chronic cough(慢性咳嗽) 21.5 95.2 9.6 98.1 0.17
Chronic phlegm(慢性排痰) 22.7 93.3 7.5 98.1 0.16

Chronic bronchitis(慢性気管支炎)

12.5 98.2 14 97.9 0.11
  • S: sensitivity; SP: specificity; PPV: positive predictive value; NPV: negative predictive value; J: Youden index.


Diagnostic value of symptom combinations in the diagnosis of active asthma

Symptom combination S% SP% PPV% NPV% J
W and NCT 40.9 97.5 28.1 98.6 0.38
W and RD 38.4 98.7 42 98.5 0.37
W and ED 54.2 95.7 23.1 98.9 0.5
W and ND 37.5 98.6 39.3 98.5 0.36
W and (RD a/o ND) 51.3 98 38.3 98.8 0.49
W and (RD a/o ND a/o NCT) 56.3 96.8 29.4 98.9 0.53
W and (RD a/o ND a/o ED a/o NCT) 65.2 94.5 21.9 99.1 0.6
(W a/o NC) and (RD a/o ND) 57.8 95.8 24.8 99 0.54
(W a/o NC) and (RD a/o ND a/o NCT) 63.1 91.6 15.2 99 0.55
(W a/o NC) and (RD a/o ND a/o ED a/o NCT) 75.1 84.6 10.5 99.3 0.6
(W a/o NCT) and (RD a/o ND a/o NC) 67.9 89.7 13.6 99.2 0.58
(W a/o NCT) and (RD a/o ND) 58 95.6 23.8 99 0.54
(W a/o ND) and NCT 46.2 95.8 20.7 98.7 0.42
(W a/o ND) and RD 43.6 97.9 32.9 98.6 0.41
W a/o 2 nocturnal symptoms 80 85.9 11.9 99.4 0.66
(NC a/o ND a/o NCT) 75.1 63.5 4.7 99.1 0.3
  • S: sensitivity; SP: specificity; PPV: positive predictive value; NPV: negative predictive value; J: Youden index.

  • W: any wheezing; NCT: nocturnal chest tightness; RD: rest dyspnoea; ED: exercise dyspnoea; ND: nocturnal dyspnoea; NC: nocturnal cough; a/o: and/or; nocturnal symptoms: NCT, ND or NC.
