
宮崎県都城市で鍼灸師をしている岩元英輔(はりきゅうマッサージReLife)です。読んだ論文を記録するためのブログです。当院のホームページ https://www.relife2019.jp/index.html しんきゅうコンパス https://www.shinq-compass.jp/salon/detail/33749






 2020 Apr 17. doi: 10.1002/ejp.1574. [Epub ahead of print]

A multi-center international study of Acupuncture for lateral elbow pain - Results of a randomized controlled trial.




Lateral elbow pain (LEP) due to tendinosis is one of the most common musculoskeletal pains of the upper limbs, yet there is no satisfactory treatment. This study was an international, prospective, multi-center, randomized, controlled, clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy of acupuncture compared to sham laser in the treatment of LEP.


The study used a parallel and stratified design (1:1 allocation using a computer-generated sequence) and was participant-, outcome assessor- and statistician blinded. Subjects from 18 to 80 years with unilateral chronic LEP (minimum three months) were recruited at four centers in Australia, China, Hong Kong and Italy. The treatment group received manual acupuncture at acupoints LI 10 and LI 11 on the affected side whereas the control group received sham-laser acupuncture at the same acupoints. The primary endpoint was the disabilities of the arm, shoulder, and hand (DASH) questionnaire score at the three-week post-treatment follow-up visit. Three VAS scales (pain at rest, pain on motion and pain during exertion were secondary outcomes. Ninety-six subjects were allocated to either the treatment group (n = 47) or control group (n = 49) and were all included in the analysis.


At the follow-up visit, we found significant differences in DASH score between the two groups (P = 0.015). The median change to baseline for the treatment group was -11.7 (interval: -50.83 to 23.33), and for the control group -7.50 (interval: -36.67 to 29.10). The estimated effect size was 0.47, indicating a medium effect. Significant differences were also found for secondary outcome measures for VAS pain. There were no severe adverse events. Our findings suggest that acupuncture has a moderate efficacy in the treatment of LEP.


Acupuncture was shown to be efficacious in improving the function of the arm associated with lateral elbow tendinosis. Both the DASH score and the VAS pain on two occasions (at rest and during motion) showed a significant change over time indicating acupuncture as a potential treatment for LEP due to tendinosis.


[背景]外側肘痛(LEP)は、上肢の最も一般的な筋骨格痛の1つだが、満足いく治療法はない。この研究は、LEPに対するシャムレーザーと比較した鍼の有効性を評価するための国際的な前向き多施設無作為化比較臨床試験。[方法]この研究では、並行かつ層別化されたデザイン(1:1割り当て)を使用。コンピューターで生成されたシーケンスを使用して、参加者、評価者、および統計はブラインドされた。 18〜80歳の片側慢性LEP(最低3か月)の被験者は、オーストラリア、中国、香港、イタリアの4つのセンターで募集された。治療群は、障害側の経穴LI 10とLI 11で鍼治療を受けたが、対照群は同じ経穴でシャムレーザー鍼治療を受けた。主要評価項目は、治療後3週間のフォローアップ時の腕、肩、および手(DASH)アンケートスコア。 VASスケール(安静時の痛み、運動時の痛み)は二次的転帰だった。96人の被験者が治療群(n = 47)または対照群(n = 49)に割り当てられ、すべて分析に含まれた。[結果]フォローアップ時に、2群間でDASHスコアに有意差が見られた(P = 0.015)。治療グループのベースラインに対する中央値の変化は-11.7(間隔:-50.83〜23.33)で、対照グループの-7.50(間隔:-36.67〜29.10)と、推定効果サイズは0.47で、中程度の効果を示した。VASの二次転帰測定値にも有意差あり。重篤な有害事象はなし。 [結論]鍼治療は、LEPに関連する腕の機能を改善するのに効果的であることが示された。

