
宮崎県都城市で鍼灸師をしている岩元英輔(はりきゅうマッサージReLife)です。読んだ論文を記録するためのブログです。当院のホームページ https://www.relife2019.jp/index.html しんきゅうコンパス https://www.shinq-compass.jp/salon/detail/33749


2021 Apr 11;8(4):18.
 doi: 10.3390/medicines8040018.

Reliability and Validity of Facial Check Sheet (FCS): Checklist for Self-Satisfaction with Cosmetic Acupuncture



facial revitalization acupuncture”

“face-lifting acupuncture”

“cosmetic acupuncture”.





Table 1

The 12 items on the facial check sheet.

  Not at All Concerned Slightly Concerned Somewhat Concerned Moderately Concerned Extremely Concerned
1. Periorbital lines(眼窩周囲のシワ) 1 2 3 4 5
2. Glabellar frown lines(眉間のシワ) 1 2 3 4 5
3. Horizontal forehead lines(額のシワ) 1 2 3 4 5
4. Nasolabial folds(ほうれい線) 1 2 3 4 5
5. Infraorbital folds(ゴルゴライン?) 1 2 3 4 5
6. Marionette lines(マリオネットライン) 1 2 3 4 5
7. Infraorbital skin laxity(眼窩下のたるみ) 1 2 3 4 5
8. Cheek laxity(頬のたるみ) 1 2 3 4 5
9. Corner of the mouth lines/laxity(口角周囲のたるみ) 1 2 3 4 5
10. Facial shape/contour(フェイスライン) 1 2 3 4 5
11. Complexion(顔色) 1 2 3 4 5
12. Blotchiness and hyperpigmented spots(シミや色素沈着) 1 2 3 4 5

Each item was rated by the 5-point Likert scale.




Table 2

Extracted terms from sentences in the stated concern regarding the facial region.

No Term n %
1 Blotchiness and hyperpigmented spots 67 47.2
2 Wrinkles 52 36.6
3 Skin laxity 45 31.7
4 Nasolabial folds 31 21.8
5 Corners of the eyes 16 11.3
6 Dryness 15 10.6
7 Dark circles 10 7
8 Pores 8 5.6
9 Dullness 8 5.6
10 Forehead 5 3.5
11 Resilience 5 3.5
12 Freckles 4 2.8
13 Between the eyebrows 4 2.8
14 Complexion 4 2.8
15 Breakout 3 2.1
16 Melasma 3 2.1
17 Rough skin 3 2.1
18 Corner of mouth 2 1.4
19 Mole 2 1.4
20 Eczema 2 1.4
21 Sebum (oily skin) 2 1.4
22 Swelling 2 1.4
23 Roughness 1 0.7
24 Bruising 1 0.7
25 Downy hair 1 0.7
26 Eye appeal 1 0.7
27 Darkness 1 0.7
28 There is a left–right difference 1 0.7
29 Sunburn 1 0.7
30 Instability 1 0.7
31 Big nose 1 0.7
32 Makeup paste 1 0.7
33 Facial shape/contour 1 0.7


FCSと気になる部分は、中等度の相関を示した(Cronbachα= 0.871)



